#Let us Help Mimmie Lead a Normal Life!
As we round off Disability and Inclusion Awareness Month, following our recent Disability and Inclusion roadshows, some of the key takeaways were around looking at “what inclusion means practically” and exploring themes centred around issues of stigma, myths and misconceptions regarding people with disabilities.
We shine the spotlight on Mimmie, one of our cherished young people at our Uthando centre, in Braampark. She faces challenges associated with Feingold Syndrome, a rare autosomal hereditary disorder that is largely characterised by microcephaly (a smaller-than-normal head), complications with the oesophagus, intestines and limb malformations. As a result, at the tender age of 3, Mimmie is unable to attend school due to her limited mobility.
Despite having both her left and right prosthetics fitted, they are temporary and she will be unable to grow with them. Mimmie will be required to undergo surgery every year until she turns 5 years old. Following this, she will require surgery every two years.
We need your help in raising funds for Mimmie’s multiple surgeries so that she can have a fighting chance at leading a normal life like any 3-year-old. We are committed to exploring all avenues to provide Mimmie with the necessary support and resources. Your contributions and assistance in this matter are greatly appreciated, as they will contribute to improving Mimmie’s quality of life and enable her to be included in her community and society at large. Let us start practising what we preach by affording Mimmie a practical solution to be included in her community the way that she should.
This International Disability Rights Day, donate to Mimmie’s cause today, so she can lead a normal life and walk tall with confidence!
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