Beacons of Hope.
Agents of Change.

We are a vehicle through which young people can discover their truest potential.
We are mere facilitators, guiding them with care and love towards a better future.

Impact is a shared responsibility.

Banner depicting impact made by Afrika Tikkun
Icon depicting a stuffed teddy bear

Early Child Development

Child & Youth Development

Icon depicting a paper plane

Youth Accelerator Programme

Icon depicting a light bulb

Career Development Programme

360 Degree Social Support Services




Our 10 Beliefs:

Community Care

To prioritise and meet community needs

Long-term Leadership

To empower the community with the necessary skills for sustainable development


To use innovative solutions in order to continuously improve our programmes


To collaborate with corporate, government, communities and civil society to ensure optimised impact

Best Interest

To always have the best interest of our young people at heart


To constantly review our performance and impact


To impose the strictest financial controls and accountability to all our stakeholders


To ensure regular reporting to partners


To be guided and controlled by a Board comprising a majority of Non-Executive Directors


To comply with all statutory and fiduciary requirements

Our Core Values

Living for one another and putting the needs of the community first

We keep the future in mind in whatever we doWe keep the future in mind in whatever we do

In all of the work we do, we bring best value, best performance and strict discipline

We care with the purpose to grow

Striving to empower staff and young people with tools and knowledge to be independent and productive

Our Team

Marc Lubner

Marc Lubner

Acting Group CEO

Kevin Handelsman

Kevin Handelsman

Group Investment Officer

Peter Kimingi

Peter Kimingi

Chief Financial Officer

Marian Claite

Marian Claite


 Tiyani Mohlaba

Tiyani Mohlaba


Lucy Mohamed

Lucy Mohamed

Head of Procurement and Logistics

 Andrew Levy

Andrew Levy

Head of People

Our Board Members

Arnold Ian Basserabie

Arnold Ian Basserabie

Chairman (non-executive director)

Marc Lubner

Marc Lubner

Executive Deputy Chairman

Nontokozo Nene

Nontokozo Nene

Non-Executive Director

Arnold Forman

Arnold Forman

Non-Executive Director

Keke Fumba

Keke Fumba

Non-Executive Director

Wendy Lucas-Bull

Wendy Lucas-Bull

Non-Executive Director

Ntombenhle Arlene Radebe

Ntombenhle Arlene Radebe

Non-Executive Director

Louis Maepa

Louis Maepa

Non-Executive Director

Our Founders

Bertie Lubner
Bertie Lubner
Chief Rabbi Cyril Harris
Chief Rabbi Cyril Harris

Many members of the Jewish community are active in fields such as counselling, training, community development and inter-group contact. A significant Jewish initiative in the area of reconstruction and development was the establishment of TIKKUN which is a community project to uplift the disadvantaged. TIKKUN, which is spearheaded by the industrialist Mr Bertie Lubner and Chief Rabbi Cyril Harris, is the coordinating body of Jewish organisations involved in upliftment and is harnessing Jewish community resources, individual skills and expertise to fulfill its outreach projects. The operational sectors of TIKKUN cover Education, Agriculture, Business and Professions, Health, Welfare, Housing, Public Relations, Youth and Sport, Art and Culture. Limited progress has been made to date but these activities are being intensified. We are aware that the need for healing and for reparation in its broader sense are great and we would be happy to join further local and national initiatives in this field wherever this may prove feasible.

Recognising the moral imperatives governing human affairs, men and women of goodwill can face up to the challenge of our time and make the caring society a reality.” So it was from that idea that the word Tikkun was used to start an initiative that would harness the energies of those committed to building a new South Africa. he Chief Rabbi said that the concept of Afrika Tikkun was twofold – ideological while at the same time ‘brutally practical’. He saw his role as co-chairman of Afrika Tikkun as “the inspirer to continue the efforts… to create new avenues of help and get more and more of our community involved”.

Ann Harris

Ann Harris

Chief Rabbi Cyril Harris

Chief Rabbi Cyril Harris

Bertie Lubner

Bertie Lubner

Herby Rosenburg

Herby Rosenburg

Arnold Forman

Arnold Forman

Afrika Tikkun and Mandela...

Nelson Mandela and Bertie Lubner

After a visit to a Tikkun project in Orange Farm in 1999, President Nelson Mandela said that he had “seen a miracle” and offered to become the Patron-in-Chief.

In the words of Nelson Mandela:

“Afrika Tikkun project’s demonstrates in a practical and sustainable manner what can be done with limited resources, great commitment and passion. The challenge to reach all the disadvantaged people of South Africa remains a paramount one. We need all the resources, both human and financial, to address these challenging tasks. It is my belief that Afrika Tikkun represents the best of what civil society can offer in partnership with Government’s considerable efforts. Afrika Tikkun has proven that it has the ability to reach sections of our disadvantaged population at grassroots level. It therefore provides both physical help, as well as giving hope and dignity to the recipients.”